Content Knowledge

English Literature

Creative Writing

  • YAWP — A mockup of a literary magazine created as my Senior Capstone at Georgia College & State University during Fall 2014.
  • Choices and Chances — A short story written for my Creative Writing Portfolio during my senior year at Georgia College & State University (Fall 2014).
  • Red Dress — A free-response poem written during Fall 2014 for an advanced poetry workshop at Georgia College & State University.
  • Qu’ils mangent de la brioche — A poem written during Fall 2014 for an advanced poetry workshop at Georgia College & State University, where we were asked incorporate some sort of historical aspect into the poem.
  • I Only Cut Onions on Sundays — A magical realism short story written during Spring 2013 for an advance fiction workshop at Georgia College & State University.

ELA Education

  • EDLA 6550 — To Burn or Not to Burn? That is the Question. A conceptual unit created with three other group members at Georgia State University during Fall 2017. My main focuses were the rationale, the calendar, the text set, and lesson plans for Day 6 and Day 8. I also made a corresponding Jigsaw handout and rubric.
  • EDRD 7630 — All Summer in A Day. This lesson plan and reflection sheet are a sample of the activities created during Summer 2017 at Georgia State University. Our coursework included tutoring middle schoolers from Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School twice a week in reading and writing.
  • EDLA 7150 — Sharon and the Shadow. A graphic novel created at Georgia State University (Spring 2017). This graphic novel is geared toward high school students and attempts to contextualize some of the issues that occur during adolescence.